Welcome to the University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC) Baskin School of Engineering (BSOE) chapter of Tau Beta Pi.

We assist the University of California, Santa Cruz, School of Engineering academic community by promoting excitement, fostering cooperation, and communicating an understanding of the principles associated with proper engineering practices.

Tau Beta Pi, the Engineering Honor Society, was established in 1885 and has initiated over 500,000 members.  Our California Alpha Delta Chapter was installed on March 8, 2008.  The Summer 2008 issue of The Bent includes an article about our installation.  We invite students of exemplary character and academic achievement to join Tau Beta Pi twice a year, including Juniors in the top eighth and Seniors in the top fifth of the engineering class.


LED Prototype 2

This LED panel was made in Spring of 2017 in a team effort to learn more about the design process, including CAD, PCB design, and software engineering.


To get in touch with us, you can email tbp@ucsc.edu. If you are a member and you want to get the most recent updates about our activity, ask for an invite to our discord server!